璞驛酒店致力于打造中國鄉村式生態精品酒店,其運營以國際高端酒店為藍本, 其設計以“輕設計、重生態”為指導,將自然的思想貫穿于每一個角落。已投入運營的清遠璞驛酒店,定位是給旅客“一個住在風景里的家”,設計以當地盛產的“竹”為主題,所有客房均可觀賞峰林景觀,房內配備頂級衛浴電器、80織紗純棉貢緞及蠶絲床品、可降解材料制作的牙刷,浴室鋪設地暖。酒店還設有獨立會議空間,滿足不同的會議需求。
Puyi Hotel is created to be an ecological boutique hotel in China’s countryside. Based on the international standard, the designers have penetrated the eco idea into every detail. Designed to be “a home in the beautiful landscape”, the hotel is themed with local “bamboo”, allowing guests to enjoy beautiful peak forests from every corner. All the rooms are well equipped with top bathroom accessories and electric appliances, silk and cotton beddings, degradable toothbrushes and underfloor heating. There are also separate meeting rooms to meet different requirements.